NMC revalidation: A quick guide

08 December 2019 By Michael Bowyer

Nurses and midwives re-registering after 1st April 2016 will need to do so with the new NMC revalidation process. This is separate from the fitness to practice requirement and exists to ensure you are able to practice safely and in accordance with the NMC code.

Here we provide a quick run through of the process, including its requirements, and help answer questions you may have. If you’ve not yet revalidated with this new system you needn’t worry, read our guide and start your preparation.

First, you need to register with the NMC and diarise your validation date. It will be due the first day of the month your registration is due to expire in (for instance an 18th May date will be due 1st May). The NMC will notify you 60 days ahead of your due date.

NMC Revalidation requirements

  • 450 practice hours worked as a nurse or a midwife

  • 900 practice hours worked as a nurse and a midwife (dual registration)

  • 5 pieces of reflective writing and reflective discussion

  • 5 pieces of practice-related feedback

  • 35 hours CDP including 20 participatory learning

  • Confirmation

  • Health and character declaration

  • Professional indemnity

Begin by securing a confirmer, who must also be an NMC registrant. Your line manager may do this but a colleague or peer is fine too. Make a note of and keep any evidence that relates to practice learning, feedback and discussions. This will form your portfolio and will be confirmed at revalidation. Relate this evidence to the NMC code.

Here are some possible questions you may still have about NMC revalidation:

Q. I don’t have a full-time, permanent position, do I still need to revalidate?

A. Yes, you do. Whether bank, agency or permanent clinical staff all nurses and midwives have to revalidate in order to maintain registration. For working one discipline (nursing or midwifery) that only equates to 12.5 hours per month.

If you are on maternity leave, sick leave, annual leave or working flexibly or with fewer hours you should still manage to maintain the levels required, and are still required to revalidate in these instances.

Q. I’ll be retiring soon, do I need to revalidate?

A. If your registration is up for renewal before your retirement date then you will have to revalidate, even if your retirement is not too long afterwards. If you don’t, and you still want to practice, you will need to re-register which takes time and is expensive.

Q. Do I need to submit an electronic portfolio?

A. No, your portfolio doesn’t need to be in an electronic format, and you don’t need to submit this to the NMC. Paper entries are fine, as long as you collect evidence and information that can be presented to and discussed with your confirmer.

Q. I don’t work directly with patients, will my hours need to be hands-on clinical care?

A. No, your revalidation relates to the work you are carrying out now. So if you are in management, training etc then your revalidation need only be in this practice.

Q. Does my participatory training need to be with a healthcare professional?

A. There are a number of ways that can count towards your participatory learning, and these don’t have to be with a healthcare professional. It could be in meetings at work but also online such as Twitter discussions. As long as you can show evidence for how much time you have spent on this, and relate it to your learning in accordance with the NMC guidelines, then you will be fine.

Q. I’m an agency nurse, is it harder for me to revalidate?

A. The requirements remain the same for permanent or agency staff. Revalidation shouldn’t be harder if you are an agency midwife or nurse, although you may need to be more proactive in some instances. Make sure you collate all your practice hours so you can show evidence that you have met the requirements.

Finding a confirmer may be harder if you don’t have a regular line manager. If you’re unable to find a senior NMC registrant you work with or for regularly then consider extending your professional network, for instance through online forums for nurses. If feedback isn’t routinely given be prepared to ask for it at your placements.

Q. I don’t know if I have professional indemnity insurance, help!

A. Don’t worry, you will automatically have this insurance as a registered nurse or midwife, the NHS arrange this for you.

Q. Do I need to official checks for my health and declaration?

A. No, this is simply self-certified. Any conditions declared won’t invalidate your revalidation either.


If you are still worried about meeting the criteria in good time then we suggest discussing this with your line manager, if you have one, and checking the NMC guidelines.

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